Cookies Policy

These are small notepad (text) files stored on your computer generated by visiting certain websites. They are more often than not there to make life easier by saving your details for your next visit so you don’t have to take an age to get onto a site. Sometimes they are used to collect information or reasons such as to track your web use with a view to sending targeted advertising. Whatever the reason, you have the right to refuse them.

If you wish to disable cookies, check with the help file of your browser on how to do it, it may also be a good idea to delete all cookies you already have, again, check your help file.

We use a PHP session cookie which links the page view of a the user together, and expires when the user leaves website.


Third Party Cookies

Third party Cookies are not placed by us; instead, they are placed by third parties that provide services to us and/or to you. Third party Cookies are used to provide analytic services to us, this anonymous statistic gathering is essential to our funding. If you turn off all cookies we may not get this information but there is often a way to allow exceptions, if so, add our web address to this section.

If you continue to use this site without changing any settings, you will have given implied consent for only this site to use cookies, we value your security and promise to never use any information about your visit for anything other than anonymous statistic gathering, we won’t know who you are unless YOU tell us.

Young Carer Awareness Training 2024

  For Health and Social Care Teams and Services that work with children, young people and famil...

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Barnsley Premier Leisure (BPL) and Focus On Young People in Bassetlaw (FOYPIB) awarded Young Carer-Friendly Quality Mark

  Huge congratulations to Barnsley Premier Leisure (BPL) and Focus On Young People in Bassetlaw...

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Macmillan Information and Support Service receive the Carer friendly quality award

Congratulations to Macmillan Information & Support Service (Nottingham University Hospitals NHS ...

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