Carers Champion

As part of the Pledge, you will be asked to nominate a Carers Champion(s) in your organisation. 

Your Carers Champion(s) will:

  • Become an important contact point for carers
  • Be proactive in identifying carers in the workforce by the use of intranet, posters, signs and events.
  • Keep staff up-to-date about the support and advice available at work and signpost to other organisations through the following means: MS Teams (or your preferred information sharing platform), leaflets, posters, events and staff notice boards.
  • Set up a Carers Network to provide peer-to-peer support and signposting.
  • Joint projects with other wellbeing networks in the organisation.
  • Lead on maintaining a carer’s register (where the person sits within the HR function).

On completion of the training, NCA will update champions through monthly emails and a quarterly forum detailing any new legislation, local and national services, changes to support services and upcoming training and events.

  • Carer Awareness
  • Supporting a Carer Friendly Workplace
  • The Carer Champion’s role
  • How to identify & support Carers at work
  • Support & Signposting


For further details see our Training section.

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