Grow together with ATTFE College

Throughout March 2025 ATTFE College will be offering organisations, workplaces and community groups access to free growing resources as part of our new Grow Together initiative.

This work aims to support engaging communities in accessible community growing without the need for a garden space. This new concept of growing will support groups engaging to grow nutritious micro greens. Free equipment and training is provided to all organisations getting involved. We have 100 kits available to distribute by 31st March.

Please see the PDF below (click/tap image) for more information and how to register your interest to get involved.

In addition to our organisational kits we also have 100 smaller domestic kits available for residents living in the Mansfield and Ashfield area. If these may be of interest to your colleagues, volunteers or group members please share this with us when you register your interest and further information will be shared with you.

 If you require any further information before submitting your interest please email

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