Carers Week 2022 Roundup

Here are some of the things that NCA got up to during Carers Week 2022:

Two organisations were presented with the Carer Friendly Quality Mark.

During a special presentation at Nottinghamshire Business Park on Tuesday 7th June, Stephanie Smith and Matthew Bird from the Nottinghamshire Carers Association (NCA) awarded the Care-Friendly Quality Mark to Primary Integrated Community Services (PICS) Social Prescribing Service for their continued commitment to help support carers.

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The DH Lawrence Birthplace Museum were also presented with the NCA Carer Friendly Quality Mark for 2022 by Diane Naylor, NCA Community Engagement Worker.  

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“It’s so good for the museum to be able to, in some small way, recognise the enormous benefit which carers provide for the community.  This Quality Mark will demonstrate that Carers can come to the museum for signposting and support and that a museum service is there for the benefit of visitors.” (Carolyn Melbourne, Museums & Collections Officer,  D.H. Lawrence Birthplace Museum)


We held an online event on the 8th June for the services that work with us to show our appreciation for the work they have done with carers and share good practice. We had 9 professionals attend the event.

Staff members from NCA also attended different events across the county, included the Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust face to face event on 8th June, in Mapperley, a wellbeing walk in Eastwood, an Ashfield Carers Event in Sutton, the Be U Notts launch and a carers coffee morning at the Calverton Core Centre.