Resources for professionals - Professionals Resources

Notts Help Yourself

Notts Help yourself Website has lots of information on Carers  


Nottinghamshire County Council

Nottinghamshire County Council has information for Carers on their website NCC Website - on this page is also the downloable version of the carers booklet by Notts County council. Section 4 of this Booklet tells carers what to expect from the GP Practice.

NCC Facebook Page - Facebook Page

NCC Twitter Feed - Twitter Feed

Nottinghamshire Carers Hub

Nottinghamshire Carers Hub provides timely, personalised information and support for Carers to make caring for a loved one easier. Website


NHS Practical Guide to Healthy Caring


Self-help groups in Nottinghamshire

 Directory of all self-help groups in Nottinghamshire - Website



The Connect service is for anyone who feels that there independence is at risk because of age, mobility, a health condition, disability or bereavement. It can help you by finding information about local services, activities and opportunities. If needed, Connect staff can work with you around money issues, housing problems, health management and other things. This short-term support will be tailored to your needs and will focus on achieving what you want in a way that suits you.

If you, or someone you know, might benefit from the advice and support of Connect, phone:

Bassetlaw: NCHA

website: Bassetlaw-Connect 

telephone: 0115 844 3541

Ashfield, Mansfield and Newark & Sherwood: Age UK

website: Age UK connect

telephone: 01623 488217

Broxtowe, Gedling and Rushcliffe: Metropolitan

Website Metropolitan Connect

telephone: 0115 939 5406


A similar service for younger adults is also available through Framework. Visit the Framework website for more information. Framework Website


Local CVS organisations

Rushcliffe Community voluntary services

Rushcliffe Community voluntary services - Website 


Broxtowe Community voluntary services


Community voluntary services Newark and Sherwood

Community voluntary services Newark and Sherwood  Website  


Mansfield Community voluntary services

Mansfield Community voluntary services - Website 


Bassetlaw Community voluntary services

Bassetlaw Community voluntary services Website


Ashfield Voluntary Action

Ashfield Voluntary Action - Website



Local CAB's and Advice Centres

Ashfield CAB   - Website  

Broxtowe CAB - Website 

Gedling CAB - Website

Mansfield CAB - Website

Newark and Sherwood CAB - Website

Rushcliffe CAB - Website

Bassetlaw CAB -  Website


Nice guidelines, which covers support for adults (aged 18 and over) who provide unpaid care for anyone aged 16 or over with health or social care needs. Nice guidelines for Carers  


Nottinghamshire Youth Service receive Young Carers Friendly Quality Mark

This week Beth Choo from Nottinghamshire Carers Association visited the Valley Young People’s ...

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Young Carer Awareness Training 2025

For Health and Social Care Teams and Services that work with children, young people and families. To...

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NCA Training and Events Schedule Dec-Feb 2024-25

Click image for pdf with embeded links

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