Young Carer School Liaison Service

At NCA we work closely with schools in the city and county to help identify and raise awareness of Young Carers in education. With over 800,000 Young Carers in the UK, Schools play a vital role in identifying and supporting Young Carers


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Who is a Young Carer?


Young Carers are children or young people under the age of 18 who provide care for one or more family members who have disabilities, long-term physical illnesses, mental health difficulties or who misuse drugs or alcohol.


They may be taking on physical, personal, financial and/or emotional care. 

Organisations working with us will be awarded a Carer Friendly Quality Mark in recognition of their support for Young Carers.

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“Young Carers are more likely to be absent from school, report a reduced sense of well-being and self-esteem, more likely to be bullied, and attain lower grades than the average non Young Carer in their peer group. In a UK survey of 961 Young and Young Adult Carers,”   by Carers Trust


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This is a free service and we can offer:


  • ·         Staff training to raise awareness

  • ·         School assemblies to raise awareness

  • ·         Information and training around the school census and Young Carers

  • ·         Run workshops & training for students to become Young Carer Ambassadors/Buddies

  • ·         PSHCE lessons, planning and delivery

  • ·         Support sessions for Young Carers

  • ·         Development of plans and policies for Young Carer support

  • ·         Award available and we can support you to work towards

 If you would like to find out how to be a Carer Friendly School or to make contact with our School Liaison Team, please email us: Or call: 01773 833 833.


Nottinghamshire Youth Service receive Young Carers Friendly Quality Mark

This week Beth Choo from Nottinghamshire Carers Association visited the Valley Young People’s ...

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Young Carer Awareness Training 2025

For Health and Social Care Teams and Services that work with children, young people and families. To...

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NCA Training and Events Schedule Dec-Feb 2024-25

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