Open Auditions for performers with a learning disability



Open Auditions for performers with a learning disability

14 May 2019, 10 – 4pm

lEVEL are looking to meet people with a passion for performance who would be interested in creating new and exciting theatre for both learning disabled and mainstream audiences.

Do you love to perform?
Are you aged 18+?

If so, come along to their open audition day on Tuesday 14 May. Workshops are free, informal and will give you a chance to meet the LEVEL team and see their beautiful arts centre.

The audition day will run from 10 – 4pm. Attendance is completely free but please book in advance. Lunch will be provided along with copious amounts of hot drinks.

If you would like to book your free place or have any questions for the team

please email
call them on 01629 734848