Free Crochet Lessons for Carers

Lyn McNair is offering free crochet lessons at the Carers Centre on West Bars, Chesterfield.

Crochet can be wonderful therapy! It has proved to be extremely helpful for people who are struggling with depression, physical pain, insomnia, anxiety and grief. If you are confined to the home for long periods of time it can give you something enjoyable to do to pass the time on.

Learning is easy and you can make lots of exciting things, not just granny squares and doilies! (Although both of these things are a delight to make). You can add your own style to things like accessories, scarves, headbands, decorations, brooches and hats. Not to mention blankets, baby accessories, clothes and much more.

It would be great if enough people were interested in forming a regular group and access the facilities at the Centre.

If you are interested in learning, or even just curious, please give Lyn McNair a call on 07872 585579 or ring the Chesterfield Carers Centre: 01246 222373, alternatively you can email