Derby G.P and Hospital Promotion

Following from the success of the Teaming up for Transition in the county, this project is now being rolled out throughout the Derby City G.P and Hospitals. This is co-ordinated by the G.P and Hospital Liaison Worker Megan Singleton.

The G.P and Hospital Liaison involves working with health professionals to raise awareness of the importance of Carers. Carers currently save the government on average 119 billion (Carers UK, 2013). Carers often put their own health at risk due to their caring role. A study tracked a group of 75 year olds who entered health and Social Care system and found that 20% of those needing care, was due to the breakdown of a single carer on whom the person was dependent on (Recognising Valued & Supported: Next Steps of the Carers Strategy, 2010).

Often family and friends do not realise the amount of support they are providing for a loved one or, what support is available to them.

The G.P Liaison’s main aim is to support Carers and professionals to identify Carers accessing the health service so support can be provided for the family.

This role also involves:

  • Going into hospitals, G.P practices and talk to patients and families. This is often via Carers Drop In’s on the wards and information stands in the entrances of hospitals.
  • Working with Carer Champions to identify Carers at an earlier stage.
  • To deliver Carer Awareness training package to G.P & Hospital Workers.
  • Facilitation of Carers Clinics and consultation groups.
  • Working to reduce hospital admissions and frequent G.P visits.
  • To raise the profile of Carers and improve Carers experience within Health Care.
  • Work alongside voluntary and statutory organisations to offer bespoke support packages for Carers.
  • To create new Carer packs and Carers literature to be distributed within all health care settings.

I love the varied nature of my role but most of all, I feel very privileged to meet so many families in Derby City who show so much love, compassion and devotion to their families. All Carers deserve to be recognised, listened to and supported”. (Quote from Megan Singleton, 2014).