Derby Carers Forum

Are you an informal or family Carer, caring
for someone living in Derby?

Then we would like to invite you to attend the Derby Carers Forum, on Monday 3 July 2017, 10am – 12.30pm, Holiday Inn Derby-Riverlights, Morledge, Derby. DE1 2AY.

Limited places are also available to organisations who support Carers in the City.

Refreshments will be available from 10am and throughout the event with a light lunch (sandwiches/ crisps) served from 12noon.

The venue is fully accessible. Parking can be found in the local car parks within the Intu Centre.

Derby Bus station is located next to the hotel with a bus stop directly
outside the venue.

Derbyshire Carers Association and Creative Carers will also attend. Councillor Martin Repton, Cabinet Member for Integrated Health and Care, Derby City Council will give an overview on Carer support and activities in Derby.

Derby City Council and Southern Derbyshire Clinical Commissioning Group representatives will be there to answer your questions.

Please let us know if you hope to attend the Carers Open Forum, by telephoning Derbyshire Carers Association, Derby Office on 01332 200002 or email:

This is important so that we know numbers to cater for refreshments and lunch. However, we do understand that your caring responsibilities may mean that you are unable to attend on
the day.

You can also let them know if there are any questions that you would like to ask at the Open Forum.