Congratulations – Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Trust (SFHT)

Congratulations – Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Trust (SFHT) receives Carer Friendly Employer Quality Award for second consecutive year.


Congratulations to SFHT for being awarded the Carer Friendly Employer Quality Award for the second consecutive year. It's a significant achievement and reflects the organisation's commitment to creating a supportive and inclusive environment for its employees who are also unpaid carers. Such recognition not only highlights their dedication to the well-being of their staff but also sets a positive example for others to follow.


Corinne Kitchen, Chair of the Carers Staff Network and Deputy Lead for People Wellbeing said, “I’m really excited to receive this award today.  This is the second year running that SFHT have received it.  This has a huge impact on our staff, knowing that we are there to support them as an unpaid carer, and links in with how we support our carers as a wider community within the Trust.”


Jayne Davies, Employer Engagement Lead for NCA said, “I’ve been working with the Trust now for over two years and this is the second consecutive year SFHT has received the award.  The trust has done some fantastic work in terms of reviewing policies and procedures to embed carer support, training, communicating the support available across the Trust and setting up and managing a vibrant carers network.  I am really delighted to present this award again and look forward to our continued relationship, working together, to raise awareness of and support for unpaid carers.”


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Front row: Jayne Davies, Employer Engagement Lead at Nottinghamshire Carers Association, presenting the renewed Carer Friendly Employer Quality Award to Richard Mills, Chief Financial Officer with Rob Simcox, Director of People and Corinne Kitchen, Deputy People Lead and Chair for the Carers Network.

Back row:  Paula Longden, Associate Director of Strategy and Partnership, Louise Lofley, Project Support Officer – Transformation and Carers Champion, Simon Roe, Deputy Medical Director, Claire Whythes-Liddle, Deputy Leader for Recovery and Carers Champion, Sharon Cook, GMB Staff Side Representative and Carers Champion, Amy Gouldstone, People Wellbeing Lead and Carers Champion.

#TeamSFH #UnpaidCarers #CarersInclusion #Caringintheworkplace