Carers Rights Day 2016

Having the right information at the right time can make a huge difference when you are looking after someone. This year Carers Rights Day is taking place on Friday 25th November 2016.

Carers’ Rights Day is a national event held every year to help ensure that carers know their rights regarding benefit entitlements and learn about the practical support available to help them in their caring role.

Why hold a carers rights event?

•Making carers aware of their rights. Every year, more than 2 million people become carers. Many struggle to navigate the maze of services and entitlements, and miss out on financial and practical support. And it’s not just people who are new to caring – even those who have been caring for years sometimes aren’t aware of their entitlements.

• Letting carers know where to get help and support.

• Raising the profile of carers

• Raising awareness of the needs of carers with professionals and decision makers

Local events for Carers Rights Day can be found below:

Carers Rights Day 2016 intu