Carers in Employment

There are a complex set of challenges when supporting Carers to remain in or return to the workforce, but the Carers in Employment Project has highlighted the importance of raising the profile of working Carers as a group in the workplace.

Below is an article published by the BBC highlighting the huge demands of a caring role whilst being employed.

BBC article

Our Carers in Employment project will help both employers and employees to benefit from using existing opportunities, such as the right to request flexible working.

The project has also shown that initiatives like this one can add value to the working practices of SME’s.

This is because they are less likely than larger employers to have established HR policies and practices to support working Carers.

The project will raise employer awareness of the realities facing working Carers, encourage more supportive workplace cultures and reduced conflict between staff over work adjustments for Carers.

Advocacy and support work services provided by our project will also help working Carers cope better at crucial ‘tipping points’ or domestic crises that otherwise were likely to have had a more detrimental effect on maintaining the balance of care and work.

Click here to find out more about the project