Carers and Chesterfield Royal Hospital – in partnership!

Chesterfield Royal Hospital has recognised how important carers are to the welfare of patients both in and out of hospital. In October 2016 Rebecca Cowley and Lyn McNair were seconded to the Royal in order to implement an overarching policy that recognises the value and contribution that carers make to the welfare of their loved ones.

A Carers Forum was held at the Royal this week and discussions between the project leads and carers concerning their experiences of the Royal both as carers and as patients (but still carers) helped to identify carer priorities and concerns. This feedback is crucial to the project underway and will be used to formulate recommendations made to the hospital regarding policies and training.

There will be several Carer Forums held at the hospital over the next 6 months to involve as many carers as possible. If you would like to take part please register your interest using one of the following:

Email: or

Telephone: 07816 283615

Or contact the Carers Centre on 01246 222373

Carers Forum October 2016