Alzheimer's Society - Dementia Wellbeing Service

We’re pleased to announce that the Alzheimer’s Society – Dementia Wellbeing Service (Nottingham & Nottinghamshire) have renewed their NCA  ‘Carer Friendly Quality Mark’ for their ongoing support to Carers, who access their services, with the following and much more:


  • Carers Information Sessions running across the county each year, offering training and support for carers of those with a new diagnosis of dementia.
  • The service is available to carers, friends and family members as well as those with a dementia diagnosis and is free of charge.
  • Carers can refer themselves into the service as well as referring their loved ones.
  • The service offers Cognitive Stimulation Therapy sessions for individuals with mild to moderate dementia, therefore indirectly impacting their carers, both through providing some respite while their loved ones attend the sessions, and also benefitting the relationship between the person with dementia and their carers outside of the sessions.
  • They have a dedicated Dementia Friendly Communities Coordinator for Nottinghamshire County.
  • The service can provide information materials in a variety of different languages and in easy-read format to meet as many people’s needs as possible.
  • Carers Peer Hub in the Bassetlaw area providing a one-stop shop for carers
  • Dementia Voice group set up to cater for those with lived experience (including Carers) who are interested in supporting both ourselves and external professionals to continually look at improving practice and approaches to dementia across the city and county.
  • They have also recruited 3 Carer Champions – pictured here (Tom Carter, Jo Shannon & Teresa Allen) who are happy to help with any Carer related queries, and keep in touch with relevant local organisations in support of Carers.

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Quote from Tom Carter (Carers Champion)  

“We are really proud to continue being a Carer Friendly Service, providing help and hope to carers across the county of Nottinghamshire and supporting them however we are able to. We work alongside the Carers Association regularly, and are delighted that our continued partnership continues to grow and develop for the benefit of Nottinghamshire’s carers.”


Well done!

And thank you for your amazing support to Carers…”